Clitoral Unhooding In Cosmetic Gynecology
How does Clitoral Unhooding work in cosmetic gynecology?
After normal wedge labiaplasty, clitoral unhooding in cosmetic gynecology aids in reducing extra tissue on the sides and on top of the clitoris to minimize asymmetry. Each side extends the labia minora into the lateral clitoral hood, which might occasionally be excessive. Excess skin covering the clitoris can cause diminished sensitivity in some ladies, and Clitoral Hood Reduction may also be helpful for them. In this instance, the central clitoral hood (tissue directly covering the clitoris) is the area of interest. Some women who have lower sensitivity as a result of extra skin covering their clitoris may benefit from Clitoral Hood Reduction. Surgeons are able to perform a procedure known as clitoral hoodoplasty to enhance the clitoral hood’s look. And Other names for this Clitoral Hood Reduction technique include clitoroplasty or clitoral unhooding and clitoral hoodectomy.
Many women’s clitoral skin often seems disproportionate to their visible genital features, lacking symmetry and appropriate dimensions. When aroused, some people may experience pain there. They feel that the skin covering their clitoris is too broad, too long, too thick, and too wide, seeming as though the skin of the clitoral hood is excessive. When they glance at their labia minora and labia majora, clitoris, and the surrounding anatomy. They could think it resembles the male foreskin greater. Or they can think it’s so big that it hinders climax, stops sexual excitement, gets in the way, or just looks out of place. As patients age, the clitoral hood may occasionally grow larger.
Clitoral Hood Reduction: What Is it?
Clitoral hood reduction in cosmetic gynecology is a small surgical operation that helps to reveal the tip of the clitoris by removing or repositioning the extra skin that is over and around your clitoris, restoring proportion. Other names for this technique include clitoroplasty or clitoral unhooding and clitoral hoodectomy.
To improve sexual sensation, one can reduce the size of an oversized or lengthy clitoral hood. It could also give the anatomy of the vaginal area a more balanced appearance.
The benefits of Clitoral Hood Reduction include improved sex experience, a potential increase in the size and frequency of orgasms, and improved garment comfort. This surgery may benefit some ladies who experience pain in this area. Most women experience higher levels of self-worth, more intense sexual pleasure, and enhanced genital cosmetics. By lowering the tissue that forms the hood (Prepuce) covering the clitoris, men can increase the excitement of women, which nearly invariably leads to bigger, faster orgasms. Some people have speculated to some extent that excessive use of Prepuce tissue can also cause hygiene-related problems for women. Excessive use of this may create a favorable environment for bacterial populations to thrive and sometimes lead to conditions commonly referred to as “yeast” or vaginal infections, owing to the tissue’s close proximity to the vaginal canal.
Improper Clitoral Unhooding techniques may cause the clitoral node to be more painfully felt during routine motions since the clitoral node has many more nerve endings than the tissue areas around it. The majority of patients who have reported on their Clitoral Hood Reduction procedure have commented favorably, saying they’ve had increased orgasms. However, for surgeons who perform the procedure frequently, Clitoral Unhooding can result in an increased stimulus of the clitoral node. Before beginning a Clitoral Hoodectomy, the surgeon would typically test the area with cold and warm swabs to gauge how sensitive the clitoris is.
Approximately 25% of women with sexual dysfunction suffer from clitoral phimosis, a condition where the clitoral tissue is tightly connected to the surrounding skin, hindering natural movement and stimulation. Boston University School of Medicine researchers discovered this issue, which often requires surgical intervention or a Clitoral hoodectomy in cosmetic gynecology for treatment.

The Clitoral hoodoplasty in cosmetic gynecology procedure is as follows:
- Depending on the needs, the Clitoral hoodoplasty surgery could take one or two hours.
- Anesthesia makes the target area feel better
- The medical team should take extreme care when trimming out any extra skin around the clitoral hood.
- The surgeon then uses dissolvable stitches to close the wound.
- Is the Clitoral Unhooding in Cosmetic Gynecology procedure available as a CME course?
We, Med Pro Doc conferences have included the Clitoral Unhooding procedure as a module in our upcoming Masterclass In Cosmetic Gynecology Course.
- When is this course scheduled?
We will conduct the Masterclass in Cosmetic Gynecology from 30th Sep to 1st Oct 2023.
- Is Practical Training scheduled for Clitoral Hood Reduction Procedure?
Practical training topics include Clitoral Unhooding and Clitoral Hood Reduction.
- Can the Clitoral Hoodoplasty Hands-on training be done on live patients?
You can only perform hands-on training on phantoms.
- Will CME credits be provided after the training?
It is in the processing stage. Please visit for further updates.